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Join our Consumer Reference Group

Expressions of interest are being invited for our Child and Adolescent Cystic Fibrosis Consumer Reference Group of WA.

We are looking for additional members to join the Child and Adolescent Cystic Fibrosis Consumer Reference Group of WA. It is a formalized group of parents and patients with cystic fibrosis brought together to:

  • Support the development of partnerships between consumers, researchers, research organizations and clinical staff.
  • Provide a consumer perspective to both clinical and research aspects of cystic fibrosis.
  • Advise about research and clinical priorities, practice and policies.
  • Enhance the quality and relevance of research and clinical activities through consumer participation.

Please see position description for more information.

I really enjoy being a member of the CF CRG. As a mum of a teen with CF, it's really encouraging that my thoughts and input are valued by the researchers and medical team. How exciting to be in the frontline audience for new and upcoming research in the world of Cystic Fibrosis.

Julie Foott, CF CRG Member

Discover. Prevent. Cure.

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Telethon Kids Institute
Northern Entrance
Perth Children's Hospital
15 Hospital Avenue

T (08) 6319 1000

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